

Supports Replication Server rs_ticket processing by placing an rs_ticket marker in the primary database transaction log. This command was created in support of the Replication Server rs_ticket feature.


rs_ticket H1 [, H2[, H3 [, H4]]]


H1, H2, H3

Each parameter contains from 1-10 characters. It is free form and is to be used as an identifier.


It contains from 1-50 characters. It is free form and is also to be used as an identifier.


Example 1

The following executes rs_ticket and monitors the processing time for the record identified by the four parameters (only one parameter is required):

rs_ticket test1, 1221, appxyz.monitoring_system

NoteThe parameters are optional, and can be used to identify or differentiate executions of rs_ticket.

It can be used independently or grouped with additional executions to allow processing times to be compared.

In this example, the following information will be sent to Replication Server.

rs_ticket 'V=1;H1=test1;H2=1221;H3=appxyz;

where “name” is the name of the primary database.When this command reaches the replicate database, Replication Server will add additional time values for the EXEC, DIST and DSI components of Replication Server. The final result seen by the replicate database will look similar to:

rs_ticket 'V=1;H1=test1;H2=1221;H3=appxyz;

You can use the information provided to monitor replication latency and performance. By using different or descriptive H1-H4 parameters, users can more easily identify which rs_ticket data matches the activity or timing of the command when entered at the primary database.

Example 2

To measure performance of a batch of work, you can surround the work with rs_ticket executions, similar to the following sequence: (Execute in Replication Agent)

rs_ticket start

(Execute in primary data server)

execute replication benchmarks

(Execute in Replication Agent)

rs_ticket stop


For more information regarding the rs_ticket usage in Replication Server, refer to the Replication Server documentation.