Examples of Configuration Files

You can use these files as templates to create your own.

For example, the following configuration file starts the database mydb.db on the database server named Elora, with a 32MB cache, with a 20 minute checkpoint interval, allowing anyone to start or stop databases and load data, with user connections limited to 10, a catalog page size of 4096 bytes, default client connection timeout of 72 hours, with TCP/IP as a network protocol and a specified port number of 1870:

-n Elora -c 32m -gc 20
-gd all -gl all -gm 10 -gp 4096 -ti 4400 -x tcpip(port=1870) path\mydb.db
You could use these command line options as follows:
start_iq @mydb.cfg
Note: When you stop the server with the DBSTOP command, you need to specify the same parameters as when you started the server. Using a configuration file to start the server ensures that you will be able to find these parameters when you need them.