Specify the Type of Backup

FULL | INCREMENTAL | INCREMENTAL SINCE FULL specifies the type of backup.

Choose one:

INCREMENTAL and INCREMENTAL SINCE FULL virtual backups are supported using the VIRTUAL DECOUPLED and VIRTUAL ENCAPSULATED options of the BACKUP statement.

You may restrict full, incremental-since-full, or incremental backup to the set of read-write files in the databases using the READWRITE FILES ONLY keywords. The read-write dbspaces or files that are backed up must belong to the IQ main store. The backed up files are selected when the backup command checks the read-write status in the catalog.

An IQ backup may back up a set of read-only dbspaces and/or read-only files. The read-only dbspaces or files must belong to the IQ main store. The backed up files are user selected.

Related concepts
Scheduling Routine Backups