IQ PATH Parameter Guidelines

The required IQ PATH parameter tells Sybase IQ that you are creating an IQ database, not an Anywhere database.

You specify the location of your IQ store in this parameter.

Choose a location for your database carefully. Although you can move an IQ database or any of its files to another location, to do so, you must shut down the database and you may have to perform a backup and restore.

You can add space on a different drive, but you can only use this additional space for new data. You cannot readily move a particular index, table, or rows of data from one location to another.

Each operating system has its own format for raw device names. See Reference: Building Blocks, Tables, and Procedures > Physical Limitations for an important note about initializing raw devices on Sun Solaris.

Raw device names on UNIX

UNIX Platform






Sun Solaris




Raw device names on Windows

Device type

Name format required



Letter assigned to that partition

\\.\C: in Sybase Central, \\\\.\\C: in SQL

Not partitioned

PhysicalDriveN, where N is a number starting with 0 and going as large as needed. You can find the physical drive numbers by running Disk Administrator in Administrative Tools.

\\.\ PhysicalDrive32 in Sybase Central, \\\\.\\ PhysicalDrive32 in SQL

On Windows systems, when you specify device names that include a backslash, you must double the backslash to keep the system from mistaking a backslash/letter combination for an escape sequence such as tab or newline command.

You must always double the backslash when naming raw devices on Windows in SQL statements.

Example 1

The following statement creates an IQ database called company.db. This database consists of four Windows files:
  • The catalog store is in company.db, in the directory where the server was started (in this case, c:\company)

  • The IQ store is in c:\company\iqdata\

  • The temporary store is in c:\company\company.iqtmp

  • The IQ message log file is in c:\company\company.iqmsg

CREATE DATABASE 'company.db' 
IQ PATH 'c:\\company\\iqdata\\' 

Example 2

The following statement creates an IQ database called company.db. This database consists of four UNIX files:
  • The catalog store is in company.db, in the directory where the server was started (in this case, /disk1/company)

  • The IQ store is in /disk1/company/iqdata/

  • The temporary store is in /disk1/company/iqdata/company.iqtmp

  • The IQ message log file is in /disk1/company/iqdata/company.iqmsg

CREATE DATABASE 'company.db' 
IQ SIZE 2000
IQ PATH '/disk1/company/iqdata/' 

Example 3

The following UNIX example creates an IQ database called company with a raw partition for IQ PATH.
IQ PATH '/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0' 

Example 4

The following Windows example creates an IQ database called company with a raw partition for IQ PATH.
IQ PATH '\\\\.\\D:'