Thrashing and Query Execution

Adjust the HASH_THRASHING_PERCENT option to limit thrashing during queries that involve hash algorithms.

Adjusting the HASH_THRASHING_PERCENT database option controls the percentage of hard disk I/Os allowed before the statement is rolled back and an error is returned. The default value of HASH_THRASHING_PERCENT is 10%. Increasing HASH_THRASHING_PERCENT permits more paging to disk before a rollback and decreasing HASH_THRASHING_PERCENT permits less paging before a rollback.

Queries involving hash algorithms that executed in earlier versions of SAP Sybase IQ may now be rolled back when the default HASH_THRASHING_PERCENT limit is reached. SAP Sybase IQ reports the error
Hash insert thrashing detected 
Hash find thrashing detected
Take one or more of the following actions to provide the query with the resources required for execution: To identify possible problems with a query, generate a query plan by running the query with the temporary database options QUERY_PLAN='ON' and QUERY_DETAIL ='ON'. Examine the estimates in the query plan.

Related concepts
Paging and Disk Swapping
Index and Row Fragmentation
Catalog File Growth