Using Query Plans

Set the QUERY_PLAN_AS_HTML option to generate an HTML version of the query plan that you can view in a Web browser.

HTML versions can be displayed in the Interactive SQL Plan Viewer. HTML query plan, each node in the tree is hyper-linked to processing details. You can click on any node to navigate quickly through the plan.

SQL functions GRAPHICAL_PLAN and HTML_PLAN return IQ query plans in XML and HTML format, respectively, as a string result set. Database options QUERY_PLAN_TEXT_ACCESS and QUERY_PLAN_TEXT_CACHING control the behavior of the new functions.

View graphical query plans in the Interactive SQL Plan Viewer. Text plans are not supported in the Plan Viewer return the error message, Plan type is not supported. Use the SQL functions, GRAPHICAL_PLAN and HTML_PLAN, to return the query plan as a string result.

Additional Information

  • Reference: Building Blocks, Tables, and Procedures > SQL Functions > GRAPHICAL_PLAN function [String]
  • Reference: Building Blocks, Tables, and Procedures > SQL Functions > HTML_PLAN function [String]
  • Reference: Statements and Options > Database Options > QUERY_PLAN_TEXT_ACCESS Option
  • Reference: Statements and Options > Database Options > QUERY_PLAN_TEXT_CACHING Option
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