CONNECT Statement [ESQL] [Interactive SQL]

Establishes a connection to the database identified by database-name running on the server identified by engine-name.

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Syntax 1

   … [ TO engine-name ]
   …[ DATABASE database-name ]
   …[ AS connection-name ]
   …[ USER ] useridIDENTIFIED BY ]

Syntax 2

CONNECT USING connect-string


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Multiple connections are managed through the concept of a current connection. After a successful connect statement, the new connection becomes the current one. To switch to a different connection, use SET CONNECTION. Executing a CONNECT statement does not close the existing connection (if any). Use DISCONNECT to drop connections.

Static SQL statements use the user ID and password specified with the -l option on the SQLPP statement line. If no -l option is given, then the user ID and password of the CONNECT statement are used for static SQL statements also.


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  • SQL—Vendor extension to ISO/ANSI SQL grammar.
  • SAP Sybase Database product—Open Client Embedded SQL supports a different syntax for the CONNECT statement.


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