-x iqsrv16 database server option

Specifies server-side network communications protocols.


iqsrv16 -x { all | none | tcpip [ ( parm=value;...) } ...

Allowed values

Regardless of which settings you choose for the -x option, the database server always accepts shared memory connections.

By default, the network database server starts the shared memory and TCP/IP protocols.

You can specify the following values for the -x option:

Applies to

All operating systems and database servers.


Use the -x option to specify which communications protocols you want to use to listen for client connections.

For the TCP/IP protocol, additional parameters may be provided, in the following format:

-x tcpip(PARM1=value1;PARM2=value2;...)

For Unix, quotation marks are required if more than one parameter is supplied or certain punctuation characters are used, such as round brackets. For example:

-x "tcpip(PARM1=value1;PARM2=value2;...)"

When the database server listens for TCP/IP connections, by default it listens to all network cards on port 2638.


Allow shared memory and TCP/IP connections on the network server:

iqsrv16 -n server_name "%IQDIRSAMP16%\iqdemo.db;"

Use the -x option to specify protocol options to tune the behavior of TCP/IP. Allow the network server to use two specific network cards:

iqsrv16 -x "tcpip(MyIP=," "%IQDIRSAMP16%\iqdemo.db;"