Showing Multiple Results Sets (UNIX)

By default, Interactive SQL shows the first result set of the most-recently executed statement. Use this procedure to see all result sets on UNIX platforms.

  1. If running Interactive SQL as a command line program (-nogui mode):
    1. Navigate to your $HOME directory and locate the file .isqlPreferences11.
    2. Change the line<entry key="SybaseIQ.showMultipleResultSets">0</entry> to <entry key="SybaseIQ.showMultipleResultSets">1</entry>
    3. Save your changes to .isqlPreferences11.
  2. If using GUI mode:
    1. Click Tools > Options in the Interactive SQL window.
      The Interactive SQL Options window appears.
    2. On the SAP Sybase IQ page, select the Results tab.
    3. Choose Show All Result Sets.
    4. Click OK.