-xs iqsrv16 database server option

Specifies server-side web services communications protocols.


iqsrv16 -xs [,..]  { protocol[,...] }
protocol : { 
 | HTTP [ ( option=value;...) ]
 | HTTPS [ ( option=value;...) ]

Allowed values

You can specify any of the following:

Applies to

All operating systems and database servers.


Use the -xs option to specify which web protocols you want to use to listen for requests.

If you do not specify the -xs option, the database server doesn't attempt to listen for web requests.

To specify multiple protocols, you can specify the -xs option for each protocol or you can specify multiple protocols with one -xs option. The server listens for web requests using all the specified protocols.

Note: To start multiple web servers at the same time, change the port for one of them since they both have the same default port.

You can use the HTTPS or FIPS-certified HTTPS protocols for transport-layer security.

On Unix, quotation marks are required if more than one parameter is supplied:

-xs "HTTP(OPTION1=value1;OPTION2=value2;...)"
Note: Separately licensed component required.

FIPS-certified encryption requires a separate license. All strong encryption technologies are subject to export regulations.


Listen for HTTP web requests on port 80:

iqsrv16 web.db -xs HTTP(PORT=80)

Listen for web requests using HTTPS:

iqsrv16 web.db -xs HTTPS(FIPS=N;PORT=82;IDENTITY=ecserver.id;IDENTITY_PASSWORD=test)

Listen on ports 80 and 8080:

iqsrv16 -xs HTTP(port=80),HTTP(PORT=8080)


iqsrv16 -xs HTTP(port=80) -xs HTTP(PORT=8080)