-a iqsrv16 database option

Applies the named transaction log.


iqsrv16 [ server-options ] database-file -a log-filename ...

Applies to

All operating systems and database servers.


This option is used to recover from media failure on the database file. When this option is specified, the database server applies the log and then shuts down—it doesn't continue to run. If you need to apply multiple transaction logs, you must know the correct order in which to apply them when using -a. The database server automatically applies multiple transaction logs in the correct order if you use the -ad or -ar option.

The -a database option must be specified after the database-file, and applies only to that database.

Specifying a cache size when starting the server can reduce recovery time.


The following example, entered all on one line, applies the log file to a backup copy of the mydemo database.

iqsrv16 "c:\backup\mydemo.db" -a "c:\backup\mydemo.log"