-kr iqsrv16 database server option (deprecated)

Specifies the realm of the Kerberos server principal and enables Kerberos authenticated connections to the database server.

Note: The use of the -kr option is deprecated. It is recommended that you use the -kp option to specify the Kerberos server principal. When specifying -kp the server principal must have been extracted to the Kerberos keytab file on the computer running the database server.


iqsrv16 -kr server-realm ...

Applies to

All operating systems.


This option specifies the realm of the Kerberos server principal. Normally, the principal used by the database server for Kerberos authentication is server-name@default-realm, where default-realm is the default realm configured for the Kerberos client. Use this option if you want the server principal to use a different realm than the default realm, in which case the server principal used is server-name@server-realm.

Specifying this option enables Kerberos authentication to the database server.

The -kr option cannot be specified if the -kp option is specified.


The following command starts a database server that accepts Kerberos logins and uses the principal my_server_princ@MYREALM for authentication.

iqsrv16 -kr MYREALM -n my_server_princ C:\kerberos.db