@filename iqsrv16 Server Option

Read in switches from configuration file.




The file may contain line breaks, and may contain any set of command-line switches. For example, the following Windows command file holds a set of command-line switches for a server named iqdemo that allows 10 connections, and sets the maximum catalog page size to 4096 bytes, and starts the iqdemo database:

# iqdemo.cfg
# ------------------------------------------------
# Default startup parameters for the IQ demo database
# ---------------------------------------------------
-n  iqdemo
-x  tcpip{port=2638}
# The following parameters are also found in the configuration file
# %IQDIR%\scripts\default.cfg.  Any parameters not specified below
# and not in the start up parameter list, will be added by start_iq
# using default.cfg as a guide.				

-c  48m
-gc 20
-gd all
-gl all
-gm 10
-gp 4096
-iqmc 32
-iqtc 24

If this configuration file is saved as c:\config.txt, the file can be used in a command line as follows:

start_iq @c:\config.txt