Customizing Requirement Codes

Requirement codes are automatically computed from the other attributes of the requirement. You can customize requirement codes in the Code Template tab of the Requirement page of the Model Options dialog box.

On this page you can select or define a conversion script to generate a code value for requirements.

  1. Select Tools > Model Options to open the Model Options dialog box.
  2. Select Naming Convention > Requirement in the Category tree view.
  3. Click the Code Template tab and enter a GTL script in the Conversion Script field.

    The default script is REQ_%-4:Increment% in which the RQM-specific %increment% variable ensures code uniqueness. For detailed information about writing GTL scripts, see Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner > Customizing Generation with GTL .

  4. [Optional] Select a conversion table.
  5. Click OK to return to your model.
    Note: You can modify individual requirement codes directly in the requirement property sheet or the document view. If you modify a code, the User-Defined button is depressed to indicate that the modified code no longer follows the code template definition. To return to the default code template click the User-Defined button to release it.

    For detailed information about working with naming conventions, see Core Features Guide > The PowerDesigner Interface > Objects > Object Properties > Naming Conventions.