Data Transformation Action Checks

PowerDesigner provides default model checks to verify the validity of data transformation actions.


Description and Correction

Name/Code contains terms not in glossary

[if glossary enabled] Names and codes must contain only approved terms drawn from the glossary.
  • Manual correction - Modify the name or code to contain only glossary terms.
  • Automatic correction - None.

Name/Code contains synonyms of glossary terms

[if glossary enabled] Names and codes must not contain synonyms of glossary terms.
  • Manual correction - Modify the name or code to contain only glossary terms.
  • Automatic correction - Replaces synonyms with their associated glossary terms.

Name/Code uniqueness

Object names must be unique in the namespace.
  • Manual correction - Modify the duplicate name or code.
  • Automatic correction - Appends a number to the duplicate name or code.

Existence of source object

A data transformation action must have at least one data structure source object.

  • Manual correction: Add any missing source objects in the Data Structure Source Objects tab of the data transformation action.

  • Automatic correction: None

Existence of data structure column

At least one data structure column must be defined in the data transformation action.

  • Manual correction: Add any missing data structure columns in the Data Structure Columns tab of the data transformation action.

  • Automatic correction: None

Existence of data structure sorted column [data sort only]

A data sort must have at least one sort column defined to sort data.

  • Manual correction: Add any missing sort columns in the Sort Columns tab of the data sort

  • Automatic correction: None

Undefined script [script execution and data lookup only]

A script execution/data lookup must have a script defined.

  • Manual correction: Define any missing script in the Script tab of the script execution/data lookup

  • Automatic correction: None

Existence of data connection [data query execution only]

A data query execution must be linked to a data connection to insert or update data in the database.

  • Manual correction: Select a data connection in the Data Connection list in the Script tab of the property sheet

  • Automatic correction: None

Undefined source expression for data structure columns [data aggregation only]

A data aggregation must have at least one source expression defined to aggregate data.

  • Manual correction: Add any missing source expressions in the Source expression box in the Data Structure Source Object tab of the data aggregation

  • Automatic correction: None

Existence of aggregated column [data aggregation only]

A data aggregation must have at least one aggregation column defined to aggregate data.

  • Manual correction: Add any missing aggregation columns in the Aggregation Columns tab of the data aggregation

  • Automatic correction: None

Undefined criterion [data filter only]

A data filter must have a criterion defined to filter data

  • Manual correction: Add any missing criteria in the Criteria tab of the data filter

  • Automatic correction: None

Existence of data structure join [data join only]

A data join must have a data structure defined

  • Manual correction: Add any missing data structure joins in the Join Columns tab of the data join

  • Automatic correction: None

Missing occurrences in join sources [data join only]

A data structure join must have two sources defined.

  • Manual correction: Add any missing sources for a data structure join in the Join Columns tab of the data join

  • Automatic correction: None

Match data structure column sources [data merge only]

The two data structure column sources of a data merge must be equivalent [same number of data structure columns and same data type ]

  • Manual correction: Add any missing data structure column in the data merge sources and/or modify the source data type in the data structure column property sheet

  • Automatic correction: None