UltraLite for M-Business Anywhere API reference

 Data types in UltraLite for M-Business Anywhere
 Supported methods for the AGDBMetadata object
 Supported methods for the AGDBSet object

AuthStatusCode class
Connection class
ConnectionParms class
CreationParms class
DatabaseManager class
DatabaseSchema class
IndexSchema class
PreparedStatement class
PublicationSchema class
ResultSet class
ResultSetSchema class
SQLType class
SyncParms class
SyncResult class
TableSchema class
ULTable class
UUID class
appendBytesParameter method
appendStringChunkParameter method
close method
executeQuery method
executeStatement method
getPlan method
getResultSetSchema method
hasResultSet method
isOpen method
setBooleanParameter method
setBytesParameter method
setDateParameter method
setDoubleParameter method
setFloatParameter method
setIntParameter method
setLongParameter method
setNullParameter method
setShortParameter method
setStringParameter method
setTimeParameter method
setTimestampParameter method
setTimestampWithTimeZoneParameter method
setULongParameter method
setUUIDParameter method