Lesson 4: Synchronizing with the CustDB consolidated database

For synchronization to take place, the MobiLink server must be running. If you have shut down your MobiLink server, you need to restart it. See Lesson 2: Logging in and populating the UltraLite remote database.

The synchronization process for the sample application removes approved orders from your database.

You can use Interactive SQL or Sybase Central to connect to the consolidated database and confirm that your changes were synchronized.

 Synchronize the UltraLite remote
  1. To synchronize your data, from the File menu click Synchronize Database.

  2. Confirm that synchronization took place.

    • At the remote database, you can confirm that all required transactions occurred by checking that the order for Awnings R Us is now deleted. Perform this action by browsing the orders to confirm the absence of this entry.

    • At the consolidated database, you can also confirm that all required actions occurred by checking data in the consolidated database.

 Confirm the synchronization (Sybase Central)
  1. Click Start » Programs » SQL Anywhere 12 » Administration Tools » Sybase Central.

  2. Click Connections » Connect With SQL Anywhere 12.

  3. In the Action drop-down, click Connect with an ODBC Data Source.

  4. Click ODBC Data Source Name.

  5. Click Browse and click SQL Anywhere 12 CustDB.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Click Connect.

  8. Double-click Tables.

  9. Double-click ULOrder.

  10. Click the Data tab and verify that order 5100 is approved, order 5101 is denied, and order 5102 is deleted.

 Confirm the synchronization (Interactive SQL)
  1. Connect to the consolidated database from Interactive SQL.

    1. Click Start » Programs » SQL Anywhere 12 » Administration Tools » Interactive SQL.

    2. In the Action drop-down, click Connect with an ODBC Data Source.

    3. Click ODBC Data Source Name and click SQL Anywhere 12 CustDB.

  2. To confirm that the approval and denial have been synchronized, execute the following statement:

    SELECT order_id, status
    FROM ULOrder
    WHERE status IS NOT NULL;

    The results show that order 5100 is approved, and 5101 is denied.

  3. The deleted order has an order_id of 5102. The following query returns no rows, demonstrating that the order has been removed from the system.

    SELECT *
    FROM ULOrder
    WHERE order_id = 5102;