Create Synchronization Model Wizard: Download Subset page

Each MobiLink remote database can contain a subset of the data in the consolidated database. This page allows you to configure those subsets.

This page has the following components:

  • Do you want all remote databases to download the same data   Choose one of the options below to specify whether all remote databases download the same data:

    • Yes, download the same data to each remote   Choose this option if you want all remote databases to download the same data.


      If you want to subset the data by some tables and not others, you may want to enable subsetting for all tables by choosing this option. After the wizard finishes, you can disable subsetting for the non-subset tables. This is easier than enabling subsetting for several tables later.

    • No, download different subsets to different remote databases   Choose this option if you do not want all remote databases to download the same data. If you select this option the following options are enabled:

      • By synchronization user   Choose this option to partition data by MobiLink user name, which downloads different data to different registered MobiLink users.

      • By remote ID   Choose this option to partition data by remote ID, which downloads different data to different remote databases.

      • By using a SQL expression in the download cursor's WHERE clause   Choose this option to use a SQL expression that determines which rows are downloaded. Each synchronization will only download rows where your SQL expression is true.

      For an example of how to modify the download subset, see Example (Custom).

 See also