Lookup Table Name window

The Lookup Table Name window allows you to look up the names of tables and columns stored in the database that you are currently connected to. Once you find the table or column name you are looking for, you can insert it into the SQL Statements pane at your current cursor position.

This window has the following components:

  • Type the first few characters of the table you're looking for   Type the first few characters of the table name in the text box to restrict the list of tables to only those that start with the text you enter.

  • Click the table you want, then click OK or Show Columns   Select the table from the list and then click OK to insert the table name into the SQL Statements pane.

    You can use the following options to restrict the tables that appear in the list. If you know what type of table you are looking for, select only that type to restrict the list. You can select any or all of the table types listed below, and you can also choose to show the names of the table owner in the list.

    • Show tables   All permanent, non-system tables owned by any owner. Temporary tables do not appear in the list of tables.

    • Show system tables   All system tables.

    • Show views   All views.

    • Show owner names   Select this option to include table owners in the list.

  • Show Columns   Select a table from the list, and then click Show Columns to see a list of all the columns in the selected table. In the Select Column window, click OK to insert the selected column name into the SQL Statements pane.


    You can use the SQL wildcard characters % (percent sign) and _ (underscore) to help narrow your search. % matches any string of zero or more characters, while _ matches any one character.

    For example, to list all the procedures that contain the word profile, type %profile%.

    If you want to search for a percent sign or underscore within a procedure name, you must prefix the percent sign or underscore with a ~ (tilde).

 See also