Remote task Properties: Conditions tab

Specifies the conditions that must be true on the remote database for the task to run.

  • Computer is running on AC power   Specifies that the computer must be running on AC power for the remote task to run.

  • Battery level   Specifies the amount of battery power that must exist on the remote device for the task to run.

    • Condition   Choose the amount of battery power from the dropdown list.

  • Computer is online   Specifies that the remote computer must be connected to the same network as the MobiLink server for the task to run.

    • A specific network is required   Only available if Computer is online is selected. Select this option to name a specific network that the computer must be connected to.

    • Network name   Enter the name of the network to which the remote computer must be connected for the task to execute.

  • Rows awaiting upload (UltraLite only)   This option applies only to UltraLite remote databases.

    • Rows   Specifies the number of rows that must be awaiting upload before the remote task runs.

  • SQL Condition   Specifies a SQL condition that must be met before the task runs.

    • Variables   Click the Variables button to add variables to the SQL conditions.