Trigger Event window

This window has the following components:

  • Event   Displays the name of the event.

  • Parameters   Type any event parameters in this field in the form name=value,name=value ....

If the event does not require any parameters, click OK to trigger the event.

This window allows you to explicitly supply parameters to simulate a context for the event handler. You can use this window to test trigger conditions such as disk space restrictions (when a disk fills beyond a specified percentage) or other trigger conditions that are required to trigger an event handler.

For example, you can have an event that takes different actions depending which user ID is connected to the database: calling the event parameter ( 'User' ) in the event handler does this. To simulate triggering this event for the user P_Chin, type the following in the Parameters text box:"User"='P_Chin'.

The word User must be contained in double quotes because it is a reserved word in SQL.

 See also