Cleaning up

This lesson assumes you have completed all preceding lessons. See Lesson 1: Designing the schemas.

Regenerate the pubs2 database and remove all tutorial materials from your computer.

 Remove tutorial materials
  1. Regenerate the pubs2 database.

    To run the script that installs the pubs2 database, run the following command:

    -U sa
    -P your-password-for-sa-account
    -i %SYBASE%\%SYBASE_ASE%\scripts\instpbs2

    If you are accessing Adaptive Server Enterprise remotely, use the -S option to specify the server name. You also have to copy the instpbs2 file locally onto your computer. The -i option needs to updated so that the new location of the instpbs2 file is specified.

  2. Delete the synchronization model.

    1. Start Sybase Central.

    2. Double-click MobiLink 12 in the right pane.

      The sync_ase model appears.

    3. Right-click sync_ase and choose Delete.

  3. Erase the remote database by using the dberase utility.

    Run the following command:

    dberase sync_ase\remote\sync_ase_remote.db