Lesson 16: Forcing immediate synchronization

This lesson assumes you have completed all preceding lessons. See Lesson 1: Creating a consolidated database.

In the last lesson, you set up the remote database to synchronize once per hour. This lesson shows you how to use a server-initiated remote task (SIRT) to force a synchronization before the hour is up. This technique is useful whenever you want to centrally control when a certain task executes.

 Force immediate synchronization using SIRT
  1. In the Folders view of Sybase Central under MobiLink 12, expand Central Admin Tutorial, Remote Tasks, Deployed Tasks. Right-click Sync every hour and click Initiate For All Recipients.

    All recipients of the task are instructed to execute the task immediately, the next time they poll the server. The frequency with which Agents poll the server is controlled by the Administration Polling Interval property of the Agent.

  2. Proceed to Lesson 17: Changing the remote schema.