Creating an external tracing database (command line)

Use the Unload utility (dbunload) to manually create a tracing database without a tracing session.


DBA or PROFILE authority.

Context and remarks


 Create an external tracing database using the Unload utility (dbunload)
  1. Connect to the database.

  2. Run a dbunload command to unload the schema from the production database into the new tracing database:

    For example:

    dbunload -c "UID=DBA;PWD=sql;Server=demo;DBN=demo" -an tracing.db -n -k -kd

    This example creates a new database with the name supplied by the -an option (tracing.db). The -n option unloads the schema from the database being profiled (in this case, the SQL Anywhere sample database, demo.db) into the new tracing database. The -k option populates the tracing database with information that the application profiling tool uses to analyze the tracing data. The -kd option places all the dbspaces in a single dbspace file.

  3. If you want to store the tracing database on a separate computer, copy it to the new location.


An external database to store analysis data is created and a tracing session is not created.



 See also