Tips for improving performance

Always use a transaction log
Build efficient SQL queries
Cache-related performance tips
Check for concurrency issues
Choose the optimizer goal
Collect statistics on small tables
Fragmentation-related performance tips
Declare constraints
Improve index performance
Minimize cascading referential actions
Monitor query performance
Normalize your table structure
Optimize for mixed or OLAP workload
Place different files on different devices
Rebuild your database
Reduce primary key width
Reduce table widths
Reduce requests between client and server
Reduce expensive user-defined functions
Replace expensive triggers
Review the order of columns in tables
Use strategic sorting of query results
Specify the correct cursor type
Supply explicit selectivity estimates sparingly
Turn off autocommit mode
Update column statistics
Use an appropriate page size
Use appropriate data types
Use AUTOINCREMENT to create primary keys
Use bulk operations methods
Use delayed commits
Use in-memory mode
Use indexes effectively
Use keys to improve query performance
Use materialized views to improve query performance
Use compression carefully
Use the WITH EXPRESS CHECK option when validating tables
Use work tables in query processing (use All-rows optimization goal)