SYSPHYSIDX system view

Each row in the SYSPHYSIDX system view defines a physical index in the database. The underlying system table for this view is ISYSPHYSIDX.

Column name Data type Description
table_id UNSIGNED INT The object ID of the table to which the index corresponds.
phys_index_id UNSIGNED INT The unique number of the physical index within its table.
root INTEGER Identifies the location of the root page of the physical index in the database file.
key_value_count UNSIGNED INT The number of distinct key values in the index.
leaf_page_count UNSIGNED INT The number of leaf index pages.
depth UNSIGNED SMALLINT The depth (number of levels) of the physical index.
max_key_distance UNSIGNED INT For system use only.
seq_transitions UNSIGNED INT For system use only.
rand_transitions UNSIGNED INT For system use only.
rand_distance UNSIGNED INT For system use only.
allocation_bitmap LONG VARBIT For system use only.
long_value_bitmap LONG VARBIT For system use only.
 Constraints on underlying system table
 See also