SYSEXTERNENV system view

Many external runtime environments are supported, including embedded SQL and ODBC applications written in C/C++, and applications written in Java, Perl, PHP, or languages such as C# and Visual Basic that are based on the Microsoft .NET Framework Common Language Runtime (CLR).

Each row in the SYSEXTERNENV system view describes the information needed to identify and launch each of the external environments. The underlying system table for this view is ISYSEXTERNENV.

Column name Data type Description
object_id unsigned bigint A unique identifier for the external environment.
name char(128) The name of the external environment or language.
scope char(1) Identifies if the external environment is launched as one-per-connection (C), or one-per-database (D).
support_result_sets char(1) Identifies the external environments that can return result sets to the user.
location long varchar Identifies the location where the main executable for the environment can be found.
options long varchar Identifies the options required on the command line to launch the external environment.
user_id unsigned int For internal use only.
 Constraints on underlying system table