
Comments are used to attach explanatory text to SQL statements or statement blocks. The database server does not execute comments.

The following comment indicators are supported in SQL Anywhere:

  • -- (Double hyphen)   The database server ignores any remaining characters on the line. This is the SQL/2008 comment indicator. You can add and remove this comment indicator by pressing Ctrl+minus sign in Interactive SQL and in the Stored Procedure window of Sybase Central.

  • // (Double slash)   The double slash has the same meaning as the double hyphen. You can add and remove this comment indicator by pressing Ctrl+Forward Slash in Interactive SQL and in the Stored Procedure window of Sybase Central.

  • /* ... */ (Slash-asterisk)   Any characters between the two comment markers are ignored. The two comment markers can be on the same or different lines. Comments indicated in this style can be nested. This style of commenting is also called C-style comments.

 Standards and compatibility
 See also