Uninstalling the SQL Anywhere .NET provider

To uninstall the current version of the SQL Anywhere .NET provider, you must do the following.

  • Ensure Visual Studio is not running.

  • Use the SetupVSPackage tool to uninstall the .NET assemblies. SetupVSPackage requires Administrator privilege for Windows Vista and later systems. If you are running a Command Prompt, ensure it has Administrator privilege.

  • For .NET 2.0/3.x, run %SQLANY12%\Assembly\v2\SetupVSPackage.exe /uninstall.

  • For .NET 4.0, run %SQLANY12%\Assembly\v4\SetupVSPackage.exe /uninstall.

The short form for /uninstall is /u.

To uninstall all builds of the 12.0.1 version of the SQL Anywhere .NET provider, you must do the following.

  • Ensure Visual Studio is not running.

  • Use the SetupVSPackage tool to uninstall all builds of the .NET assemblies. SetupVSPackage requires Administrator privilege for Windows Vista and later systems. If you are running a Command Prompt, ensure it has Administrator privilege.

  • For .NET 2.0/3.x, run %SQLANY12%\Assembly\v2\SetupVSPackage.exe /uninstallall.

  • For .NET 4.0, run %SQLANY12%\Assembly\v4\SetupVSPackage.exe /uninstallall.

The short form for /uninstallall is /ua.