Add new databases to a service
 Add a new database to an existing service (Sybase Central)

Each network server or personal server can run more than one database. If you want to run more than one database at a time, it is recommended that you do so by adding new databases to your existing service, rather than by creating new services.

  1. From the Context dropdown list, click SQL Anywhere 12.

  2. In the right pane, click the Services tab.

  3. Select the service, and then click File » Properties.

  4. Click the Configuration tab.

  5. Add the path and file name of the new database to the end of the list of options in the Parameters box.

  6. Click OK to save the changes.

    The new database starts the next time the service starts.

Databases can be started on running servers by client applications, such as Interactive SQL.

For more information about starting a database from Interactive SQL, see START DATABASE statement.

For more information about how to implement this function in an embedded SQL application, see db_start_database function.

Starting a database from an application does not attach it to the service. If the service is stopped and restarted, the additional database does not start automatically.