Authenticating users

New users have to be added from an existing connection. As all UltraLite databases are created with a default user ID and password of DBA and sql, respectively, you must first connect as this initial user.

You cannot change a user ID: you add a user and delete an existing user. A maximum of four user IDs are permitted for each UltraLite database.

For more information about granting or revoking connection authority, see grantConnectTo method and revokeConnectFrom method.

 To add a user or change the password for an existing user
  1. Connect to the database as an existing user.

  2. Grant the user connection authority with the desired password.

    conn.grantConnectTo("Robert", "newPassword");
 To delete an existing user
  1. Connect to the database as an existing user.

  2. Revoke the user's connection authority as follows.
