UltraLite ODBC API reference

This section describes the components of the ODBC interface supported by UltraLite.

This is not a comprehensive ODBC reference; it is intended as a quick reference to complement the main reference for ODBC, which is the Microsoft [external link] ODBC Programmer's Reference.

SQLAllocHandle function
SQLBindCol function
SQLBindParameter function
SQLConnect function
SQLDescribeCol function
SQLDisconnect function
SQLEndTran function
SQLExecDirect function
SQLExecute function
SQLFetch function
SQLFetchScroll function
SQLFreeHandle function
SQLGetCursorName function
SQLGetData function
SQLGetDiagRec function
SQLGetInfo function
SQLNumResultCols function
SQLPrepare function
SQLRowCount function
SQLSetConnectionName function
SQLSetCursorName function
SQLSetSuspend function (deprecated)
SQLSynchronize function