ActiveSync on Windows Mobile

While you can synchronize data from a Windows Mobile device over an ethernet or Wi-Fi connection, this section describes how to configure your desktop and device to use ActiveSync synchronization. If you want to synchronize directly using one of the other alternative methods, you need to program your application to do so using an appropriate synchronize function.

To use ActiveSync initiated synchronization requires that you:

  • Register all applications that need to use ActiveSync initiated synchronization with ActiveSync.

  • Have the ActiveSync provider installed on your desktop, and deployed to your device.

    To determine which platforms the provider is supported on, see [external link]

The ActiveSync architecture

The following diagram shows the computing layers required by the ActiveSync architecture.

The ActiveSync architecture

Notice that you must install the ActiveSync provider on your device in addition to your desktop. You can only have a single ActiveSync provider on a single computer. However, if you have more than one UltraLite application installed on a Windows Mobile device, you can register them with the same provider so they are synchronized simultaneously.

See also

ActiveSync synchronization overview