sysixcol system table

Each row in the sysixcol system table describes one column of an index listed in sysindex.

Column name Column type Description
column_id UNSIGNED INT A unique identifier for the column being indexed.
index_id UNSIGNED INT A unique identifier for the index that this index-column belongs to.
order CHAR(1) Indicates whether the column in the index is kept in ascending (A) or descending (D) order.
sequence SMALLINT The order of the column in the index.
table_id UNSIGNED INT A unique identifier for the table to which the index applies.

PRIMARY KEY( table_id, index_id, sequence )

FOREIGN KEY( table_id, index_id ) REFERENCES sysindex( table_id, object_id )

FOREIGN KEY( table_id, column_id ) REFERENCES syscolumn( table_id, object_id )

See also