Group Properties window: Permissions tab

This tab has the following components:

Permissions list   Shows all the tables the group has permissions on, and the user who owns each table. You can click the fields beside each group to grant or revoke permissions; double-clicking (so that a checkmark and two + signs appear) gives the group grant options for the permission.

Show   Select what type of object appears in the Permissions list:

  • Tables   All tables the group has permissions on.

  • Views   All views that the group has permissions on.

  • Procedures & functions   All procedures and functions the group has permissions on. You can only grant Execute permissions for procedures and functions.

  • Dbspaces   All dbspaces the group has permissions on. You can only grant Create permissions for dbspaces. See Permissions on dbspaces.

The following lists the possible permissions that the consolidated user can have:

  • S: Select   Permission to look at information in a table or view.

  • I: Insert   Permission to insert rows into a table or view.

  • D: Delete   Permission to delete rows from a table or view.

  • U: Update   Permission to update rows in a table or view. This can also granted on a set of columns in a table or view.

  • A: Alter   Permission to alter the structure of a table or create a trigger on a table.

  • R: References   Permission to create indexes on a table and to create foreign keys that reference a table.

  • Check   Grant

  • Check++   Grant with grant option

See also