Unload Data window

This window has the following components:

Save the data files on the server computer using UNLOAD statements   Select this option to export data to files on the server computer. Selecting this option places an exclusive lock on the whole table while you are unloading it. UNLOAD statements provide better performance than OUTPUT statements. In the file, the data is exported with one row per line, values are separated by a comma delimiter, and strings are enclosed in single quotes. The Browse button is disabled if you select this option and the database is not running on the local computer.

Save the data files on the local computer using OUTPUT statements   Select this option to export data files on the local computer. In the file, the data is exported with one row per line, values are separated by a comma delimiter, and strings are enclosed in single quotes.

Save the data files in the following directory   Type the directory where you want the data saved. If you choose to save the data files on the server computer, relative file names specify files relative to the database server's starting directory. You can click Browse to locate the directory where you want to save the files.

Order data by primary key   Select this option to order the exported data in order by primary key values to make reloading quicker.

Save the reload file to the following file on the local computer   Type a name and location for the reload.sql file that is used to reload the data.

Use LOAD statements to reload the data from the server computer   Select this option to use LOAD statements to reload the data. LOAD statements provide better performance than INPUT statements. Choose this option if the file names referenced in the reload.sql file are relative to the server computer. See Import data with the LOAD TABLE statement.

Use INPUT statements to reload the data from the local computer   Select this option to use INPUT statements to reload the data. Choose this option if the file names referenced in the reload.sql file are relative to the local computer.

See also