Proxy Table Properties window: Permissions tab

This tab has the following components:

Users list   Lists the users who have permissions on the proxy table. If you want to add users to the list, click Grant. To remove permissions from a user, select the user, and then click Revoke. You can select multiple users by holding Shift while you click.

To grant or revoke permissions, click the fields beside each user. Double-clicking (so that a check mark and two + signs appear) gives the user grant options.

  • Grant   Displays the Grant Permission window, which lets you grant permissions for the proxy table to other users or groups.

  • Revoke   Revokes permissions for the proxy table from the user or group and removes them from the Users list.

Select   You must select a user from the Users list to enable this option. Shows whether the Select permissions for the user apply to all columns or a subset of columns. Click Change to open the Column Permissions window where you can grant Select permissions for a subset of columns.

Update   You must select a user from the Users list to enable this option. Shows whether the user's Update permissions apply to all columns or a subset of columns. Click Change to open the Column Permissions window where you can grant Update permissions for a subset of columns.

References   You must select a user from the Users list to enable this option. Shows whether the Reference permissions for the user apply to all columns or a subset of columns. Click Change to open the Column Permissions window where you can grant Reference permissions for a subset of columns.

See also