Synchronization Subscription Properties window: Extended Options tab

This tab has the following components:

Extended options list   Lists the extended options and the values set for the MobiLink user. Click the Value field beside the option name to set the value for the MobiLink user.

The table below lists all the available extended options for synchronization.

Extended option Default Description
ConflictRetries (cr) extended option -1 (continue indefinitely) Specifies the number of retries if the download fails because of conflicts.
ContinueDownload (cd) extended option OFF Specifies restartable downloads.
DisablePolling (p) extended option OFF Disables automatic logscan polling.
DownloadBufferSize (dbs) extended option 32 K on Windows Mobile, 1 M on all other operating systems.

Specifies the size of the download buffer.

By default, units of bytes are used. You can use the suffix k or m to specify units of kilobytes or megabytes, respectively.

DownloadOnly (ds) extended option OFF Specifies that synchronization should be download-only.
DownloadReadSize (drs) extended option 32 K For restartable downloads, specifies the maximum amount of data that may need to be resent after a communications failure.
ErrorLogSendLimit (el) extended option 32 K

Specifies how much of the remote log file dbmlsync should send to the database server when synchronization occurs.

By default, units of bytes are used. You can use the suffix k or m to specify units of kilobytes or megabytes, respectively. If you don't want to send any dbmlsync message log messages, a zero value should be set for this extended option.

FireTriggers (ft) extended option ON Specifies that triggers should be fired on the remote database when the download is applied.
HoverRescanThreshold (hrt) extended option 1 M

When you are using scheduling, this limits the amount of discarded memory that is allowed to accumulate before a rescan is performed.

By default, units of bytes are used. You can use the suffix k or m to specify units of kilobytes or megabytes, respectively.

IgnoreHookErrors (eh) extended option OFF Specifies that errors that occur in hook functions should be ignored.
IgnoreScheduling (isc) extended option OFF Specifies that scheduling settings should be ignored.
Increment (inc) extended option (infinite)

Controls the size of incremental uploads.

By default, units of bytes are used. You can use the suffix k or m to specify units of kilobytes or megabytes, respectively.

LockTables (lt) extended option OFF Specifies that articles (tables or parts of tables in the publications being synchronized) should be locked before synchronizing.
Memory (mem) extended option 1 M

Specifies a cache size.

By default, units of bytes are used. You can use the suffix k or m to specify units of kilobytes or megabytes, respectively.

MirrorLogDirectory (mld) extended option (none) Specifies the location of old transaction log mirror files so that they can be deleted.
MobiLinkPwd (mp) extended option NULL Specifies the MobiLink password. Passwords are case sensitive.
NewMobiLinkPwd (mn) extended option NULL Specifies a new MobiLink password. Passwords are case sensitive.
NoSyncOnStartup (nss) extended option OFF Prevents dbmlsync from synchronizing on startup when a scheduling option would otherwise cause that to happen.
OfflineDirectory (dir) extended option (none) Specifies the path containing offline transaction logs.
PollingPeriod (pp) extended option 1 minute

Specifies the logscan polling period.

By default, units of minutes are used. You can use the suffix s, m, h, or d to specify units of seconds, minutes, hours, or days, respectively.

Schedule (sch) extended option No schedule Specifies a schedule for synchronization.
ScriptVersion (sv) extended option DEFAULT Specifies a script version.
SendColumnNames (scn) extended option OFF Specifies that column names should be sent in the upload.
SendDownloadACK (sa) extended option OFF Specifies that a download acknowledgement should be sent from the client to the database server.
SendTriggers (st) extended option OFF Specifies that trigger actions should be sent on upload.
TableOrder (tor) extended option (none) Specifies the order of tables in the upload stream.
TableOrderChecking (toc) extended option ON Specifies whether dbmlsync should check that no table is uploaded before another table on which it has a foreign key. Use this option when you specify TableOrder.
UploadOnly (uo) extended option OFF Specifies that synchronization should only include an upload.
Verbose (v) extended option OFF

Specifies full verbosity.

This option is identical to dbmlsync -v+.

VerboseHooks (vs) extended option OFF

Specifies that messages related to hook scripts should be logged.

This option is identical to dbmlsync -vs.

VerboseMin (vm) extended option OFF

Specifies that a small amount of information should be logged.

This option is identical to dbmlsync -v.

VerboseOptions (vo) extended option OFF

Specifies that information should be logged about the command line options (including extended options) that you have specified.

This option is identical to dbmlsync -vo.

VerboseRowCounts (vn) extended option OFF

Specifies that the number of rows that are uploaded and downloaded should be logged.

This option is identical to dbmlsync -vn.

VerboseRowValues (vr) extended option OFF

Specifies that the values of rows that are uploaded and downloaded should be logged.

This option is identical to dbmlsync -vr.

VerboseUpload (vu) extended option OFF

Specifies that information about the upload stream should be logged.

This option is identical to dbmlsync -vu.


You can set connection parameters for synchronization in several ways.

For information about how dbmlsync resolves conflicting options, see Priority order.

See also