Plug-in Preferences window: General tab

This tab has the following components:

Settings   Specify one or more of the following preferences to configure the settings for the MobiLink plug-in.

  • Show Create Synchronization Model Wizard Primary Key Requirements page   Select this preference if you want the Create Synchronization Model Wizard Primary Key Requirements page to appear when you open the wizard.

  • Automatically close message windows after operations complete   Select this preference if you want message windows to close automatically when an operation completes.

  • Warn when overwriting a script that was deployed as part of a synchronization model   Select this preference when you want to be warned that a script that was deployed as part of a synchronization model is going to be over written.

  • Warn when excluding a remote column from synchronization   Select this preference when you want to be warned when a remote column is excluded from synchronization.

Restore Defaults   Click Restore Defaults to return the preferences on this tab to their default values (selected or cleared). By default, all preferences on this tab except Automatically Close Message windows After Operations Complete are selected.