Agent Configuration window: Server tab

This tab has the following components:


Use the following servers   Lists the MobiLink servers the Agent exchanges messages with. This option is required when the MobiLink server is not running on the same device as the QAnywhere Agent. You can specify more than one MobiLink server. This allows you to set up failover to multiple MobiLink servers. When you set up failover, the QAnywhere Agent attempts to connect to the MobiLink servers in the order in which they appear in the list. See -x option.

  • New   To add another server, click New. The MobiLink Server Properties window appears.

  • Edit   To edit the properties for an existing server, select the server from the list and then click Edit. The MobiLink Server Properties window appears.

  • Delete   To delete a server, select it from the list, and then click Delete.

  • Up Arrow   Click the Up Arrow to move the selected server up in the list. The Agent tries to use the first server in the list. If it is unavailable, it tries the second server in the list, and so on, until it is successful.

  • Down Arrow   Click the Down Arrow to move the selected server down in the list. The Agent tries to use the first server in the list. If it is unavailable, it tries the second server in the list, and so on, until it is successful.

  • Failover retry count   Type the number of times that the QAnywhere Agent should retry the connection to the primary MobiLink server before trying an alternate server.

  • Failover delay   Type the delay, in seconds, between attempts to retry the primary server before attempting to use an alternate server.

Servers are listed in the message store   Select to specify that the QAnywhere Agent determines the protocol and address of the MobiLink server based on message store properties. This means that the Agent can dynamically determine the address of a single MobiLink server, where the server address is dependent on the current network that is active for the device where the QAnywhere Agent is running. See -xd option.


User name   Type the user name used to access the MobiLink server.

Password   Type the password for the user.


Use persistent connection for transferring messages   Select this option to enable a persistent connection for transferring message. If the checkbox is cleared, then a persistent connection is not used. Enabling persistent connections is useful when network coverage is good and there is heavy message traffic over QAnywhere. In this scenario, you can reduce the network overhead of setting up and taking down a TCP/IP connection every time a message transmission occurs. See -pc option.

Listen for push notification from servers   Select this option to receive push notifications. If this option is selected, the following additional options are supported:

  • Listen on port   Type the port on which the Listener listens for push notifications. The default is 5001. See -lp option.

  • Use a persistent connection for push notifications   Select this option if the client device does not have a public IP address or when the MobiLink server is behind a firewall that does not allow UDP messages out. This is the default. This option is only available if Listen on Port is selected. See the connected option in -push option.

See also