Using this Eclipse help

Welcome to the SQL Anywhere Help. This Help is intended to assist you with your day-to-day tasks and includes detailed SQL Anywhere product information, procedures, and a list of commonly used terms and acronyms. The information contained within this Help is intended for database administrators (DBAs) and application developers.

The SQL Anywhere Eclipse Help has the following components:

  • An Eclipse Help plug-in (

  • A documentation viewer

  • A map file used by the SQL Anywhere administration tools (

The documentation viewer uses an internal web server that runs as a service, daemon, or background process. The documentation viewer requires a web browser to display the SQL Anywhere Help. An embedded web browser is included with the documentation viewer.

When using an external browser in a Microsoft Windows environment, the default browser is used to view online Help. If a user is not working in a Microsoft Windows environment, a browser is selected from the path in the following order: Firefox, Opera, Konqueror, Epiphany, Mozilla, or Netscape.

Supported environments

The SQL Anywhere Eclipse Help is supported in the following environments:

Installing SQL Anywhere Eclipse Help
Viewing the Help file
Sharing the Help file
Finding a topic
Printing a topic
Navigating through topics
Creating a custom search scope
Documentation conventions
Locating additional information and resources