
Several new features have been added to the Adaptive Server Anywhere documentation set to help you find, access and use the information more quickly.

  • Re-organized books   There have been two major changes to the documentation set since the last release:

    • The Replication and Synchronization Guide has been split into two books, describing each of the two synchronization technologies separately. These new books are the MobiLink Synchronization User's Guide and the SQL Remote User's Guide.

    • The Adaptive Server Anywhere User's Guide, Programming Interfaces Guide, and Reference Manual have been replaced by a Database Administration Guide, a SQL User's Guide, a SQL Reference Manual, and a Programming Guide. The database error messages have been moved into their own book. The new organization makes each book a more manageable size in printed form.

  • New context-sensitive Help   All the user-interface tools, including Sybase Central, Interactive SQL, the Adaptive Server Anywhere debugger, and the Query Editor, share a common cross-platform context-sensitive help system, complete with links to the online books.

  • Enhanced online books   The HTML Help version of the online books includes a menu bar for quick access to SQL Anywhere Web links, tutorials, procedures, and more.