Configuring server-side settings using the ml_add_property system procedure

To configure the server-side settings of a SQL Anywhere consolidated database, use the ml_add_property system procedure. You can set these properties and events using Interactive SQL.

Common properties syntax
CALL ml_add_property('SIS', '', 'Property', Value);
Notifier properties and events syntax
CALL ml_add_property('SIS', 'Notifier(NotifierName)', 'Event-or-Property', Value);
Gateway properties syntax
CALL ml_add_property('SIS', 'DeviceTracker(DeviceTrackerName)', 'Property', Value);
CALL ml_add_property('SIS', 'SMTP(SMTPName)', 'Property', Value);
CALL ml_add_property('SIS', 'UDP(UDPName)', 'Property', Value);
CALL ml_add_property('SIS', 'SYNC(SYNCName)', 'Property', Value);
Carrier properties syntax
CALL ml_add_property('SIS', 'Carrier(CarrierName)', 'Property', Value);

For more information, see ml_add_property system procedure.