SYSJAR system view

Each row in the SYSJAR system view defines a JAR file stored in the database. The underlying system table for this view is ISYSJAR.

Column name Column type Description
jar_id INTEGER A unique number identifying the JAR file.
object_id UNSIGNED BIGINT The internal ID for the JAR file, uniquely identifying it in the database.
creator UNSIGNED INT The user number of the creator of the JAR file.
jar_name LONG VARCHAR The name of the JAR file.
jar_file LONG VARCHAR The external file name of the JAR file within the database.
update_time TIMESTAMP The time the JAR file was last updated.
Constraints on underlying system table

PRIMARY KEY (jar_id)

FOREIGN KEY (object_id) references SYS.ISYSOBJECT (object_id) MATCH UNIQUE FULL

See also