STR function [String]

Returns the string equivalent of a number.

STR( numeric-expression [, length [, decimal ] ] )
  • numeric-expression   Any approximate numeric (float, real, or double precision) expression between -1E126 and 1E127.

  • length   The number of characters to be returned (including the decimal point, all digits to the right and left of the decimal point, and blanks). The default is 10.

  • decimal   The number of decimal digits to be returned. The default is 0.




If the integer portion of the number cannot fit in the length specified, then the result is a string of the specified length containing all asterisks. For example, the following statement returns ***.

SELECT STR( 1234.56, 3 );

The maximum length that is supported is 128. Any length that is not between 1 and 128 yields a result of NULL.

See also
Standards and compatibility
  • SQL/2003   Vendor extension.


The following statement returns a string of six spaces followed by 1235, for a total of ten characters.

SELECT STR( 1234.56 );

The following statement returns the result 1234.6.

SELECT STR( 1234.56, 6, 1 );