Ruby support in SQL Anywhere

There are three separate packages available in the SQL Anywhere for Ruby project. The simplest way to install any of these packages is to use RubyGems. To obtain RubyGems, please visit the following site: [external link] We recommend that you install version 1.3.1 or later.

The home for the SQL Anywhere Ruby project is [external link]

SQL Anywhere Native Ruby Driver

sqlanywhere   This package is a low-level driver that allows Ruby code to interface with SQL Anywhere databases. This package provides a Ruby wrapping over the interface exposed by the SQL Anywhere C API. This package is written in C and is available as source, or as pre-compiled gems, for Windows and Linux. If you have RubyGems installed, this package can be obtained by running the following command:

gem install sqlanywhere

Note that this package is a prerequisite for any of the other SQL Anywhere Ruby packages. For more information, see:

SQL Anywhere ActiveRecord Adapter

activerecord-sqlanywhere-adapter   This package is an adapter that allows ActiveRecord to communicate with SQL Anywhere. ActiveRecord is an object-relational mapper, popularized by being part of the Ruby on Rails web development framework. This package is written in pure Ruby, and available in source, or gem format. This adapter uses (and has a dependency on) the sqlanywhere gem. If you have RubyGems installed, this package and its dependencies can be installed by running the following command:

gem install activerecord-sqlanywhere-adapter

For more information, see:

SQL Anywhere Ruby/DBI Driver

dbi   This package is a DBI driver for Ruby. If you have RubyGems installed, this package and its dependencies can be installed by running the following command:

gem install dbi

dbd-sqlanywhere   This package is a driver that allows Ruby/DBI to communicate with SQL Anywhere. Ruby/DBI is a generic database interface modeled after Perl's popular DBI module. This package is written in pure Ruby, and available in source, or gem format. This driver uses (and has a dependency on) the sqlanywhere gem. If you have RubyGems installed, this package and its dependencies can be installed by running the following command:

gem install dbd-sqlanywhere

For more information, see:

For feedback on any of these packages, please use the [external link] mailing list. For general questions about using SQL Anywhere in a web environment, please use the [external link] SQL Anywhere Web Development forum. For general questions on SQL Anywhere and its usage, please use the [external link] sybase.public.sqlanywhere.general newsgroup.