Calling the DBTools functions

All the tools are run by first filling out a structure, and then calling a function (or entry point) in the DBTools library. Each entry point takes a pointer to a single structure as argument.

The following example shows how to use the DBBackup function on a Windows operating system.

// Initialize the structure
a_backup_db backup_info;
memset( &backup_info, 0, sizeof( backup_info ) );

// Fill out the structure
backup_info.version = DB_TOOLS_VERSION_NUMBER;
backup_info.output_dir = "c:\\backup";
backup_info.connectparms ="UID=DBA;PWD=sql;DBF=demo.db";

backup_info.confirmrtn = (MSG_CALLBACK) ConfirmRtn ;
backup_info.errorrtn = (MSG_CALLBACK) ErrorRtn ;
backup_info.msgrtn = (MSG_CALLBACK) MessageRtn ;
backup_info.statusrtn = (MSG_CALLBACK) StatusRtn ;
backup_info.backup_database = TRUE;

// start the backup
DBBackup( &backup_info );

For information about the members of the DBTools structures, see DBTools structures.