a_translate_log structure

Holds information needed for transaction log translation using the DBTools library.

typedef struct a_translate_log {
    unsigned short      version;
    const char *        connectparms;
    const char *        logname;
    const char *        sqlname;
    const char *        encryption_key;
    const char *        logs_dir;
    p_name              userlist;
    a_sql_uint32        since_time;
    MSG_CALLBACK        confirmrtn;
    MSG_CALLBACK        errorrtn;
    MSG_CALLBACK        msgrtn;
    MSG_CALLBACK        logrtn;
    MSG_CALLBACK        statusrtn;
    char                userlisttype;
    a_bit_field         quiet                   : 1;
    a_bit_field         remove_rollback         : 1;
    a_bit_field         ansi_sql                : 1;
    a_bit_field         since_checkpoint        : 1;
    a_bit_field         replace                 : 1;
    a_bit_field         include_trigger_trans   : 1;
    a_bit_field         comment_trigger_trans   : 1;
    a_bit_field         debug                   : 1;
    a_bit_field         debug_sql_remote        : 1;
    a_bit_field         debug_dump_hex          : 1;
    a_bit_field         debug_dump_char         : 1;
    a_bit_field         debug_page_offsets      : 1;
    a_bit_field         omit_comments           : 1;
    a_bit_field         use_hex_offsets         : 1;
    a_bit_field         use_relative_offsets    : 1;
    a_bit_field         include_audit           : 1;
    a_bit_field         chronological_order     : 1;
    a_bit_field         force_recovery          : 1;
    a_bit_field         include_subsets         : 1;
    a_bit_field         force_chaining          : 1;
    a_bit_field         generate_reciprocals    : 1;
    a_bit_field         match_mode              : 1;
    a_bit_field         show_undo               : 1;
    a_bit_field         extra_audit             : 1;
    a_sql_uint32        debug_dump_size;
    a_sql_uint32        recovery_ops;
    a_sql_uint32        recovery_bytes;
    const char *        include_source_sets;
    const char *        include_destination_sets;
    const char *        include_scan_range;
    const char *        repserver_users;
    const char *        include_tables;
    const char *        include_publications;
    const char *        queueparms;
    const char *        match_pos;
    a_bit_field         leave_output_on_error   : 1;
} a_translate_log;
Member Description
version DBTools version number.

Parameters needed to connect to the database. They take the form of connection strings, such as the following:


The database server would be started by the connection string START parameter. For example:


A full example connection string including the START parameter:


For a list of connection parameters, see Connection parameters.

logname Name of the transaction log file. If NULL, there is no log.
sqlname Name of the SQL output file. If NULL, then name is based on transaction log file name (-n sets this string).
encryption_key Specify database encryption key (-ek sets string).
logs_dir Transaction logs directory (-m dir sets string); sqlname must be set and connect_parms must be NULL.
userlist A linked list of user names. Equivalent to -u user1,... or -x user1,... Select or omit transactions for listed users.
since_time Output from most recent checkpoint prior to time (-j <time> sets this). The number of minutes since January 1, 0001.
confirmrtn Callback routine for confirming an action.
errorrtn Callback routine for handling an error message.
msgrtn Callback routine for handling an information message.
logrtn Callback routine to write messages only to the log file.
statusrtn Callback routine for handling a status message.
userlisttype Set to DBTRAN_INCLUDE_ALL unless you want to include or exclude a list of users. DBTRAN_INCLUDE_SOME for -u, or DBTRAN_EXCLUDE_SOME for -x.
quiet Set to TRUE to operate without printing messages (-y).
remove_rollback Normally set to TRUE; Set to FALSE if you want to include rollback transactions in output (equivalent to -a).
ansi_sql Set to TRUE if you want to produce ANSI standard SQL transactions (equivalent to -s).
since_checkpoint Set to TRUE if you want output from most recent checkpoint (equivalent to -f).
replace Replace existing SQL file without confirmation (equivalent to -y).
include_trigger_trans Set TRUE to include trigger-generated transactions (equivalent to -g, -sr or -t).
comment_trigger_trans Set TRUE to include trigger-generated transactions as comments (equivalent to -z).
debug Reserved; set to FALSE.
debug_sql_remote Reserved, use FALSE.
debug_dump_hex Reserved, use FALSE.
debug_dump_char Reserved, use FALSE.
debug_page_offsets Reserved, use FALSE.
use_hex_offsets Reserved, use FALSE.
use_relative_offsets Reserved, use FALSE.
include_audit Reserved, use FALSE.
chronological_order Reserved, use FALSE.
force_recovery Reserved, use FALSE.
include_subsets Reserved, use FALSE.
force_chaining Reserved, use FALSE.
generate_reciprocals Reserved, use FALSE.
match_mode Reserved, use FALSE.
show_undo Reserved, use FALSE.
debug_dump_size Reserved, use 0.
recovery_ops Reserved, use 0.
recovery_bytes Reserved, use 0.
include_source_sets Reserved, use NULL.
include_destination_sets Reserved, use NULL.
include_scan_range Reserved, use NULL.
repserver_users Reserved, use NULL.
include_tables Reserved, use NULL.
include_publications Reserved, use NULL.
queueparms Reserved, use NULL.
match_pos Reserved, use NULL.
leave_output_on_error Set to TRUE if you want to leave the generated .SQL file if corruption detected (equivalent to -k)

The members correspond to features accessible from the dbtran utility.

See the dbtools.h header file for additional comments.

See also