-m server option

Truncates the transaction log when a checkpoint is done.

{ dbsrv11 | dbeng11 } -m ...
Applies to

All operating systems and database servers.


This option truncates the transaction log when a checkpoint is done, either at shutdown or as a result of a checkpoint scheduled by the server.


When this option is selected, there is no protection against media failure on the device that contains the database files.

This option provides a way to automatically limit the growth of the transaction log. Checkpoint frequency is still controlled by the checkpoint_time and recovery_time options (which you can also set on the command line).

The -m option is useful for limiting the size of the transaction log in situations where high volume transactions requiring fast response times are being processed, and the contents of the transaction log aren't being relied upon for recovery or replication. The -m option provides an alternative to operating without a transaction log at all, in which case a checkpoint would be required following each COMMIT and performance would suffer as a result. When the -m option is specified, there is no protection against media failure on the device that contains the database files. Other alternatives for managing the transaction log (for example, using the BACKUP statement and events) should be considered before using the -m option.

To avoid database file fragmentation, it is recommended that where this option is used, the transaction log be placed on a separate device or partition from the database itself.

When this option is used, no operations can proceed while a checkpoint is in progress.


Do not use the -m option with databases that are being replicated or synchronized. Replication and synchronization, used by SQL Remote and MobiLink, inherently rely on transaction log information.

See also