-gb server option

Sets the server process priority class.

Windows syntax
{ dbsrv11 | dbeng11 } -gb { idle | normal | high | maximum } ...
Unix syntax
{ dbsrv11 | dbeng11 } -gb level ...
Applies to

Windows, Unix, Mac OS X


This option sets the server process priority class.

On Windows, normal and high are the commonly-used settings. The value idle is provided for completeness, and maximum may interfere with the running of your computer.

On Unix, the level is an integer from -20 to 19. The default value on Unix is the same as the nice value of the parent process. Lower level values represent a more favorable scheduling priority. All restrictions placed on setting a nice value apply to the -gb option. For example, on most Unix platforms, only the root user can lower the priority level of a process (for example, changing it from 0 to -1).